Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Breath of Life.

Brooding over deep waters,

Breath waits

Breaking the silence with wind beating wings

She watches with piercing gaze

Upon the random identity of fragile shell

Life curling and unfurling in

Sorrowful joy and joyful sorrow,

A world opening and closing.

The promised fruit of primal seed.

A Uni-verse in breath abating labour.

Were She to be seen with half open eye

Her beauty would blind

Her being would blow you away.

But She hovers near enough

To encourage a crack in imagination

Where the echo of eternity is glimpsed.

In time she calls you to freedom

To crack wide open and with a cry

Receive her fully in a freefall rush of breath

And the deafening beating of wings.

Breathe deeply the breath of God

And let the coiled limitation of death

Shatter completely in the mirage of a moment.

Open to the divine kiss of life and be reborn

Breath on breath

One-Song awakened

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